i have an internet cafe and i put 16 computers on adsl is that ok or is it to much ?
How many computers can you put on adsl?free spyware
You're liable to have problems if all 16 machines are getting heavy use at the same time. Other than that, you should be okay. As long as your customers don't complain, I wouldn't worry too much.
How many computers can you put on adsl?live update
It depends on how many computers are being used at one time. If it's all 16 at once that might be bad. Unless all are being used for just the internet and not gaming. If it is for gaming I probably would lower the number of computers being used.
depends what are you going to do with those computers. i have at work over 50 computers and i'm giving them only 512kbps ... that's less than your adsl ... but on an Internet cafe users are expected to browse the net not to wait for the 1st page to open.
if you ask me ... adsl is less than enough even for 1 computer if u have a real user...
Yes, it is too much. Due to the limited bandwidth of ADSL and the fact that all computers could be in use at the same time. I wouldn't use any more than 1/2 of that (8 computers) on ADSL for reasonable transfer speeds.
it should be ok, although it depends on the habits of the users (and depends on the adsl theoritical download speed that range from a mere 128kb/s to an outstanding 24Mb/s for ADSL2).
If you have a wireless router, it's OK. If not, check how many ethernet ports has your router.
I have 13, but it depends on how much bandwidth yu have, and what the type of usage. If you game and have a 256Kbs\128Kbs you may not be happy with one computer. If you google search shop on the web, have 4Mbs\512Kbs, and do not game you could run a dozen computer no sweat.
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