Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Usage of computers has not led to unemployment.pls ans 2 da statement wid suitable egs?

COMPUTERS r used everywhere in todays india, n they play no role in the cause of unemployment-this is what i have to speak on. i have been selected for a debate. i have to report my speech by tomorrow and i aint have the faintest idea to work on. though i know a few points related to the theme, they r not enuf to get me qualified to the second level. pls pls pls help me out!!

do give me sensible answers. im genuinely not interested in wasting my time presently.

Usage of computers has not led to unemployment.pls ans 2 da statement wid suitable egs?stinger

You need to note two points

1. due to modernization, you will need to do a lot more work than what you were doing earlier. So, the gap computers created in the employment is filled up by the new opportunities.

2. Major factor is MNCs. As more MNCs got in, they created more jobs.

due to the above factors, the gap has gone unnoticed. In fact, without computers, you would be seeing a lot more unemployment. Few years back, those that did just degree would immediately join the count of jobless people. Now, lot of companies absorb them, train them and mould them into professionals. This is only expected to grow.

Remember the fine line here, withoutu the introduction of MNCs, employment condition might have been worse.

Usage of computers has not led to unemployment.pls ans 2 da statement wid suitable egs?virus scanner

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