Sunday, August 8, 2010

Connecting two computers to one printer?

I need to know what the easiest and CHEAPEST way to connect two computers to one printer is?

Connecting two computers to one printer?virus protection

You might want a little more guidance as to how to do this. Creating a home network is probably the easiest and relatively cheap ($40 for a cheap router/switch) way to do this.

Read this article as if provides step-by-step instructions.

Connecting two computers to one printer?agv

A switchbox.
hook the two computers into a private sever (sever you make) , and have the printer hooked to one comp and both comps will share the same printer , easy and simple and its free
cheapest would be use a crossover cable to connect the 2 pcs but i would use a small 4 port hub, 2 ethernet patch cables, connect the printer to 1 pc via paralelle or USB then share it. on the other PC add a new network printer and point to the other PCs printer
this page gives one thought on how to do it....several hot links with lots of info....

If you have multiple computers in your home, networking them is a great idea! There are several big advantages to setting up an in-home network:
Depends where the computers are and what connections there are between the computers.

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