Sunday, August 15, 2010

How are computers used in organizations?

it is to explain how computers are put to various uses different types of organizations?

How are computers used in organizations?antivirus programs

Since you posted this to ''Community Service'', then I guess you mean only nonprofit organizations (those that host volunteers).

If that's the case: computers are used to track and report financial and human resources information, to produce marketing materials (flyers, web sites, etc.), to track sales (a lot of nonprofits sell things, such as Goodwill, nonprofit theaters, museums, etc.), to track donors and potential donors, for employees to work on projects together, for employees to interact with members of the public, to track client information, to interact and support volunteers, and I'm sure lots more that others are going to add.

TechSoup is a great place to learn how nonprofits use computers:

How are computers used in organizations?computer protection

Much information is being shared by non-profits in a program called Client

Assistance Network.CAN .org A client is entered into the system where he/she can be tracked to make sure that they do not received duplicate services from the same agencies but other chapters, as well as what they received post disaster from say Goodwill, Salvation army, FEMA, Catholic Charities, Lutheran Ministries, etc. This way we know the client is being served and receiving assistance without duplications.

Computers are used for on line training, reports, financial reports, emailing volunteers, inputting client information and activating debit cards issued by some agencies. It is a great tool for communication, updating and tracking

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